Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Essential 101 Guide to Better Invest your MONEY

CHANGE TIME WITH MONEY: Thats the exact way to earn by your own choice
Your Essential Starter Guide to INVESTING MONEY!! If you have been working for some time, you probably have accumulated some form of savings, and the first mistake we don't want to make is to let the money stay idle. Imagine your current savings like a little plant, you need to constantly give it nutrients and provide the right conditions for growth to take place. Hence, if you are someone who always place your savings under a normal saving account in a bank, it is time to relook at other alternative forms to grow your money - better and faster. One approach is through Investment. Sounds like a taunting term, and one which many people do not understand and hence never got the chance to take the first bold move. Today, I will be sharing with you an Introduction Guide to Investment, and hope to build up your knowledge and confidence in this field to take the right decisions. What is Investing? 1) Investing involves the purchasing and selling through financial tools including stocks, bonds, options, certificates, and more. 2) Investing can be done through financial advisors or personally, although financial advisors will charge you additional fees for their services, but they could be valuable sources of information and help. 3) Investing can be easily performed at home with a computer with an internet connection. How to start Investing? To start investing, you must have surplus cash. Rule of thumb: You should have at least 3 months of liquid cash - i.e: ready cash to tide you over in terms of emergencies. Given the tons of different stocks and mutual funds in the market to choose from, it is essential to follow a few methologies to ensure better selection and return on investments (ROI) in the long run. 3 Simple Investment Methologies 1) What to buy? 2) When to buy? 3) When to sell? What stocks or funds to buy? The entire market consists of over 10,000 stocks, so how can we narrow down our selection to the elite stocks, and make the right buying decisions? Luckily, we have indicators such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, and the Wilshire 500 among others on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow JOnes reflects the average stock prices of top 30 largest companies. The S&P 500 reflects the average stock prices of top 500 companies, representing companies that are worth 75% of the entire stock market value. The Wilshire 5000 reflects the average stock prices of top 7000 companies. One proven worthy strategy is through index funds, i.e invest in the indicators itself. There exists a special mutual fund which is made up of all 500 stocks in the S&P 500. This means that only are you investing in the top companies, you are also diversifying and lowering your risks, and maximizing your potential gains in the future, given the proven track records of these companies in order to be listed in the S&P 500. What about those professional managed funds? Are those worthy of consideration? See below for clear advantages of index funds over those professional managed mutual funds. Index funds Lower costs, 0.2 percent Low transaction fees Lower tax Low portfolio turnover Professionally Managed Funds Higher Cost, >2% Higher transaction fees Higher Tax Higher portfolio turnover due to higher risk Hence, for a starter to investing, the safer and obvious approach is to invest in index funds given the lower costs, higher stability, and proven good past performance records. Are you going to trust the financial advisor and give him your hard-earned money, for them to give you false promises of high returns, and charging you exorbitant fees to support their own commission pockets. NO !!! Hence, ANSWER on what to buy is clearly combined "INDEX FUNDS". When to buy those stocks or funds? We all know the benefits of compunded interest, so the faster you start buying, the more money you get to compound. ANSWER is "Right Now" !! You dont need to have a big lump sum of money to start, you can also invest in a periodic manner, for example invest on a monthly basis. While doing that, you are also practising dollar cost averaging technique, which is a very powerful technique. Since prices often fluctuate, there are months where the prices are slightly lower and as a result you could buy more with the same monthly investment amount you have committed to. As a result, your total portfolio value will increase substantially due to more shares bought during lower prices. The trick is not to freak out and do massively selling, when the stocks are going downtrends for that month. By buying the combined index fund, you are already lowering your risks, coupled with the power of dollar cost averaging, you can now ignore the fluctuation of the market totally. When to sell those stocks or funds? After knowing what to buy, and when to buy, you also want to know when is a suitable time to sell those stocks or funds. ANSWER: The later the better. Based on the stock market history for the past 50 years, it can be observed that the longer the investment, the lower the risk. Based on past data, we observe the following: Holding Duration / Risk of loss % 5 years / 15% 10 years / 5% 15 years /
(Sunil Tiwari)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Network Marketing: Attracting Success, Money, & The People Who Want You To Have The Same

I started in network marketing over a year ago. I haven't made a single penny. . .but don't let that discourage you. You will and you can. But how do you make money when no one knows you are out there? How do you get yourself "out there?" No matter what your niche is, or how original your product or idea is, you are lost in a morass of websites that are doing something similar to you. I thought travel was an excellent niche, and as I started researching it, I found that, yes, travel is an excellent niche. It is something everyone wants all the time. I also saw what a vast niche travel is. I had no idea there were so many travel products out there. I also learned that more and more travel agents are cutting the overhead and moving their businesses to their homes. I realized at that point, I knew nothing of the trade and though I've been all over the United States via truck & camper, as well as by jet, I haven't really been anywhere! So I found a great place to start, which in my opinion is the Travel Agent University, and dove in. The next hard lesson I learned is that for the last year, I had spent literally $1000's on "lead lists." If you aren't familiar with a "lead list," very briefly; a lead list is a list of names, email addresses, phone #'s, and other personal information about people that are supposedly interested in your product or business opportunity. They are allegedly ready to make a major change in their lives, and prepared to make an investment in themselves and their home based business of choice. These lists are generated by lead generation companies who gather the information, and pass it on to you, the "client consumer." These lists are exorbitantly expensive and the payoff is enough to make anyone hate network marketing, due to the constant discouragement it lends for such a ridiculous price. My own personal example: I made my 1st training sale to my 1st lead my 1st week of network marketing. One more training sale and the profits were all mine! Every person I found who had even a remote interest in running a profitable and lucrative business from home, from July of 2006 to April of 2007, went MIA. I was beside myself with stress and worry. The end of April 2007, my 2nd training sale called me. Not only had she been researching my product/business opportunity for the last month, but she was prepared to make her investment and get started RIGHT NOW!! I was elated! Finally, I was a released Level 2 Director and in a position to earn no less than $1000 and up to $3200 per transaction! However, I had learned that those sales would not be coming from lead lists. If I had known then what I know now, I would've spent every last lost dollar on advertising. I would've had a year's headstart over where I am now, and most importantly, people would and should be calling me, not me calling them. People have to do things of their own accord, when they want it enough to set aside the time to thoroughly investigate their desire, and then act on it. People calling with "business opportunities" are annoying! When I fill out any kind of information form online, I check to make sure that there won't be a salesperson calling shortly after their "virtual assistant" is alerted that I even thought about looking at their website. If I am interested enough to further investigate, I will at my own pace. I decide when and if I'm going to call anyone regarding a product or opportunity! In fact, I HATE getting all these phone calls all day--anything 1-800 gets my voice mail, unknowns get the same, also if it's a phone number I don't recognize. No message? Then it wasn't that important. Before caller I.D., I used to just hang up. . . After a year of discouragement and the threat of quitting constantly hanging over my head, I had the opportunity to hear Mr. Tellman Knudson speak for the "Network Marketing Coach of the Year" award. I knew this man could help me. I knew he was going to show me exactly what I needed to be doing without causing financial suicide, while also saving me from the brink of it. Not only for my own niche, but also giving his students a chance to be an affiliate for These products are already in huge demand and well known to an already targeted client database. I also had the total pleasure of speaking to Mr. Ben Mack. When Ben talks, the way he talks, even if one has no listening skills and ADD, he has a way of keeping one's train of thought moving in the right direction. He will clearly discover if one still has the desire and motivation to forge forward or if one should, in all reality, financially and mentally, give up. In my conversation with Ben, I was at the point of giving up, but what I drew from our chat was, for me to give up at the familiar fork in the road would mean I was qitting a mere 3 feet from gold. Ben already knew, but he didn't have to say it, because I already knew, too. Develop your ears and listen up! I mean ACTIVELY listen. Hear the words and put them in the correct context. Follow the instructions given to you WHEN they are given to you! Procrastination is your worst arch-enemy! You can feel Ben and Tellman and know that they are here to help you with your marketing efforts, all the while offering plenty of themselves to help you begin making money. These men truly care because they have been in the position to be financially harshed out. Now they exist on a higher plane where it isn't about the money anymore, it's about helping others to achieve the same. I have always believed in the Law of Attraction, since I was old enough to realize that I had the sway to control the outcome of various situations and positions I found myself in. I didn't realize it at the time, but it had a name. Nor did I think anyone else knew about it or could feel it like I could, and I certainly didn't know how to use it. Not to keep rehashing the last year, but it is also the time that I began learning about the Law of Attraction and how it is to be used. Used. . .That is for lack of a better term, but the point is, it is a close relative to my old, dear friend Karma, but as to where you only control Karma for as long as it will let you, you have complete control over the Law of Attraction and how you direct it. To bring it all to light, 1 year and 4 months ago, I put the Law of Attraction in motion for myself by taking the steps that I have taken, the things I have learned and the actions I have learned to take to set things in motion. I attracted Mr. Knudson and Mr. Mack into my life at exactly the right time, further securing the future I have planned for my family and myself. Are you ready to pull it together, shake the darkness of deep depression, and start your life? Then waste no time. . .because even though you may still have the feelings of desire, you don't have much time. . .
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Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Multi purpose guide for various jobs

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

5 tips to ease your money issues

Everybody I am inviting you all who
wants to overcome the issues with money

With interest rates having rocketed to 5.75% last year, and with many lenders hiking up their interest rates, such as credit card providers and loan providers, it is little wonder that so many of people are struggling to keep their outgoings under their income level each month. Although interest rates have come down to 5.25% which is good news, the credit crunch, which recently swept across the country wreaking havoc in the financial markets as it went, has done nothing to ease the situation, and for many of us it is a case of either doing some smart thinking and tightening our belts or risking going under financially.

Below are some tips that could just help to ease your financial problems:

1. Don't be too extravagant: Start planning for next Christmas, its all too easy to get caught out by leaving your shopping till the last minute and making rash decisions and purchases. With the average household spend expected to be in excess of £2,000 spending could quickly go out of control for many consumers. However, planning now could make next Christmas much less of a financial worry, imagine that, not worrying about when the credit card statement comes through the door next January. Extravagance is also the key as well as the planning of your spend. Try and think of less expensive gifts for your loved ones – after all, there is some truth in the saying 'it's the thought that counts'. If you are going to see friend or family in the New Year rather than over the Christmas period then think about putting off the purchase of their gifts until the last minute – once Christmas Day is over you can find some real bargains at a fraction of the normal price.

2. Supplement your income: If you find that you are struggling with finances every month then it is time to look for a better paid job or go for a promotion. However, this isn't going to happen overnight, so in the meantime it might be worth considering a second job for a while. You will find a range of different part time or casual jobs available, particularly during the Christmas and New Year periods when retailers are at their busiest and opening times are longer than other times of the year.

3. Don't underestimate the fun of a night in: Everyone loves to go out and party, especially at this time of year, but it can be extremely expensive, especially if you are going out and getting taxis on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve. Why not look at alternatives, such as you and your friends pooling your funds and having a party at home, or spending a few weekends enjoying a home cooked meal and a DVD with loves ones or friends.

4. Think before you buy: With so many new and exciting gadgets and products hitting the market, many of us feel the impulse to rush out and spend hundreds of pounds on something that we didn't even know existed several days earlier. However, impulse purchases are the worst kind, because you often end up paying over the odds for something that after a few weeks you realise you never even really wanted in the first place. Think carefully before you rush out and spend your heard earned money on the latest gadget.

5. Quit Smoking: Now that New Year just is out of the way, there is no better time to get geared up to give up smoking. With Britain now smoke free in many public places, this is a habit that is more anti-social and more expensive than ever, and by kicking the habit you will be amazed at how much you will save – and how much better you will feel in both mind and body also.